Monday, June 28, 2010

Type Specimen - Draft 2

I learned to use my "gut instincts"
When I had my internship during school, I was still struggling with design. When I would observe my mentor working, I would sometimes ask him why he did something one way as opposed to another, or why he would use one font, over another. Why is he doing what he is doing? And his response would almost always be: "I'm just going with my gut instincts."

I was never able to bring myself to ask him what would happen if a designer didn't have any gut instincts, as I thought was the case for me. As he would answer my questions, I would sit there, thinking, "Crap." I would never become a designer.

And now, with the hours I spent working on this type project, I realized that I did have some sort of instinct. I slowly plodded through line by line, choosing a type, laying it out, play around with spacing, and move on. And before I knew it, I had an entire page that didn't look like a disaster.


Now I just need to keep it up and apply it to other projects.

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