Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Type Specimen - Text (Thoughts)

My reason for choosing to start with Victorian typography is because of its solid structure. My goal is to be able to eventually be good enough of a designer to be able to break away from structure and create visually complex designs. In order to do that, I feel that I need to first get a firm grasp of structured and organized design in order to break these rules effectively. Through structured design, I will be able to slowly but surely learn the rules, why something will look better next to one than the other.

I want to learn how to break up the space in order to create room for key components. I want to learn what I can change, warp, and distort in order for the objects to fit within a certain space. I want to learn how to size things and color things so that the viewers will see the objects in the order that I want them to see them. I want to learn what I can do to create energy in such a structured environment. What works, and what doesn't work? Why? How can I make something look dynamic?

Once I learn the stability of structure, I can then change angles to create energy. What is the best way to use the space? Do people prefer to see text and images turned clockwise, or counterclockwise? Does it matter?

There are too many questions. I wonder if I'll be able to find the answers.

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